Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) - Post Operative Care
Post Operative Care Following your Tummy Tuck
After your surgery, you will have to make sure you follow some simple instructions so that you recover well and get the best possible result. Mr Dheansa will go over many of these, but if you are not sure about anything then please ask.
You do not need to wear a binder or compression garment. It rarely makes any difference to your recovery or outcome and they can be quite uncomfortable. However in certain situations it can be useful and Mr Dheansa will advise you on this if necessary.
Take your painkillers regularly. It is important that you are as comfortable as possible. It is also important to realise that if you try to do too much, your pain will get worse, so be guided by this.
You should take it easy for the first 2 weeks after surgery. You should however keep mobile - walking and light activity should be acceptable straight away. Mr Dheansa advises NO DRIVING, NO GYM, NO HEAVY LIFTING and NO STRETCHING. Housework should be avoided too. As a general rule if your abdomen is sore after doing something then consider reducing that activity. After 2 weeks you can gently start doing a little more so that you are doing normal day to day activity by 4 weeks. You shouldn't do any vigorous sporting activity for up to 6 weeks. If in doubt, ask Mr Dheansa.
After one week you can gently massage your abdomen (except for the wound/dressing) using simple moisturising cream (for example E45, but you can use anything). Use gentle movements from the middle to the sides starting from below and working upwards to get your abdomen used to being touched and to help with any swelling.
After 2-3 weeks you can be a little firmer with your massage. The scars should be left alone until after 6-8 weeks as these will be covered.
Once the dressings come off the wounds (generally Mr Dheansa advises to let the tapes fall off by themselves) you should apply Micropore tape to the scar for 6-8 weeks. You can leave it intact and only change it if it is falling off. You can shower with it on – just pass a cool hairdryer over the tape afterwards to get it dry.
The belly button has dissolving stitches on the skin which can be moisturised. You do not need to use tape here.
If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact Mr Dheansa or the team at the hospital where you had the surgery.