Facial Procedures
Information about Facial Procedures
Facial cosmetic surgery focuses on improving facial appearance. There are a number of procedures available that each deal with specific concerns. The most common procedures that I deal with are:
- Face & Neck Lift (Rhytidectomy)
- Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
- Eyelid Correction (Blepharoplasty)
- Prominent Ear Correction (Pinnaplasty)
Reasons for considering facial surgery are generally aesthetic, however there are some procedures that can correct medical problems following trauma as well.
Whether you wish to have a smoother contour to your jaw, cheeks and upper face, smooth your neck profile, reduce heavy eyelids or 'bags' under the eye, correct poorly shaped ears or improve the shape of your nose there is a procedure for you.

Facial Procedures
• Facelift • Necklift • Rhinoplasty • Blepharoplasty • Brow-lift • Prominent Ear Correction
Face and Neck Lift (Rhytidectomy)
From £5,531
Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
From £7,402
Eyelid Correction (Blepharoplasty)
From £3,080
Prominent Ear Correction (Pinnaplasty)
From £4,423
Face and neck lift surgery (Rhytidectomy) is ideal for people who want to remove excess sagging skin and reduce the amount of wrinkles and folds on their face and neck. A full facelift will give a smoother contour to the jaw, cheek and upper face while a neck lift will give a smoother neck profile.
Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty) is performed to improve nose shape or improve breathing after trauma (broken nose) or both.
Eyelid correction (Blepharoplasty) can be performed on both upper or lower eyelids to remove excess skin or fat and address the effects of ageing. Upper eyelids can develop loose skin which rests on the eyelashes giving a heavy feel to the eyelids and can sometimes interfere with vision. Lower eyelids can develop 'bags' which combined with loose, wrinkled skin can give a tired appearance. Surgery to correct these changes can make a significant difference.
Prominent ear correction (Pinnaplasty) is ideal for people with prominent ears, poorly shaped ears or asymmetric ears. It sets back the ears, gives them a better shape and gets them as equal as possible.
Please selectfrom the cards above for a more in-depth explanation of each specific procedure I offer.
Whatever your reasons for surgery, there is a correct procedure for you. Please contact me to discuss your exact requirements in more detail.